MIPS assembly continued
instruction does NOT exist - we can just use addi
with a negative immediate value for the same result
- Adding an extra instruction to the CPU requires adding extra physical circuitry to the CPU, so it is not desirable
- If we can get away with using one instruction multiple ways that is good
For exams, expectation is that we memorize all MIPS instructions - no cheatsheet will be given
Example 1: Convert the following piece of C++ code to MIPS
We are given that the value of var
is stored in $s3
addi $s3, $s3, 1 # var++
Note - class requirement is that the ++
instruction should store the result in the same register.
Example 2: Convert the following piece of C++ code to MIPS
var = 2 - var; // value of var is in $t1
addi $s0, $zero, 2 # put 2 in register s0
sub $t1, $s0, $t1 # t1 = s0 - t1 -> var = 2 - var
Example 3: Convert the following piece of C++ code to MIPS
var = var + (25 - var) // var in s6
Do NOT simplify this expression. In general our MIPS translation should just be copying whatever is in the C++ code blindly.
addi $s0, $zero, 25 # put 25 in register s0
sub $s1, $s0, $s6 # s1 = 25 - var
add $s6, $s6, $s1 # var = var + s1
Also, when asked to comment on this, should comment on every line (or almost every line)
Example of a forbidden pseudo-instruction
Correct way:
addi $s0, $zero, 7
Incorrect way:
li $s0, 7
MIPS assembly memory operations - loads and stores
Example of memory operations in C++:
int num = 0; // compiler reserves 4 bytes of memory in RAM
num = 20;
- Loading - copying data from RAM to CPU register
- Storing - copying data from CPU register to RAM
Example: lw
lw $t5, 2($s0)
means "load word" - copy 4 bytes from RAM to CPU register
- destination register$s0
- base register - parens indicate to treat it as an address2
- offset
The address read from in this line is $s0 + 2
If the offset is zero, we must specify this explicitly, e.g. 0($s0)